Home Page

Year 4

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The Year 4 team welcome you to Year 4's class page! Here you will find any relevant information about our year group, such as events and homework.



  • 4 SB Mrs Barnett 
  • 4 GK Miss Klofik (Mon/Tues/Wed) Mrs Gloster (Thurs/Fri) 
  • Support Staff: Mrs Peasly and Mrs Emery




  • Year 4 have PE on Wednesday - your PE kit must be in school on these days.
  • Home reading books can be returned to school when complete to choose another one - they need to be in school everyday.
  • Please try to read your book at home at least THREE times per week. 
  • Homework - Updated every Friday.
  • Every week, homework will be set for the following week.  This may include spellings/Grammar, examples of methods used in Maths, an example of what is being covered in writing that week or a longer task involving Art or Design which will have a 2-3 week time frame.
  • All homework will be available on the Google Classroom, here on the class page and a paper copy will be available if needed. 

Half Term Holiday Homework – Friday 17th February 2023
Due in – Monday 27th February 2023
Creative Homework

This term we have been looking at Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. We would like the children over the week off to create a Harry Potter style prop. 
This could be: -
A wand 
A sorting hat
Small version of the Hogwarts Castle
A magic book
A magic potion
This homework can be a drawing or sketch or could be 3D and a model.
Try to be as creative as you can.

Last week we had a visit from Oldbury Fire Station and we enjoyed a fire safety talk which the children learned a lot from. We were surprised to learn of the amount of house fires caused by tablet and phone chargers on beds, 3 in Oldbury alone last week, please see attached photos and be mindful. 

With this in mind, for your homework this week could you create a fire safety poster and include some of the information you learned in the visit.


For your home work for the next two weeks we would like you to research a Viking god of your choice. You can present this in which ever way you like, perhaps a model or a painting, a PowerPoint or a poster but please be as creative as possible! This will be due in week commencing 5th December, attached is  some information for inspiration and ideas

TT Rockstars

Click on the picture to take you to Rockstars - remember to play often.  There is a test at the end of year - like the soundcheck.

Every child will have 25 random questions, 5 seconds to answer each one and must score at least 20 to pass.

Use the soundcheck to practise.

Image result for tt rockstars logo

Practise the Year 3/4 for Common Exception words.

Click on the picture to take you to spelling shed.  


This year, all year 4 pupils will be undertaking a times table test at the end of the year - this is a new government requirement.

The test is similar in structure to the soundcheck on TT Rockstars.  Remember to practise throughout the week and aim for the rockstar status.
