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Report on school re-opening

Dear Parents and Carers,

I thought you might like an update on how the re-opening of school to some year groups went yesterday. I know many of you are waiting to see how it works out before sending your child back. I don’t know who was happier to be back yesterday, the children or the staff! All the children have returned today so it must have been OK.
The numbers are small and groups are well within the 6 or 7 children we said. As numbers grow I have additional teachers I can ask to come in so numbers can stay low to allow social distancing.
The children coped well with the very different layout of the classrooms and the extra handwashing and cleaning that goes on during the day. Each child has their own desk and equipment and children are asked to wash their hands at the classroom sink at least every hour. All the children are having a short daily PE lesson and, from today, we will be using the outside and our forest for lessons as well.
If you would like your child to join us now please give the office a call before the end of the school day on Wednesday and your child will be able to start on Thursday. After that unfortunately you will need to give us a week’s notice.
If your child is in school I hope they are saying they are enjoying it. If not yet, please keep up with the home learning so when your child does return they are not too far behind. Work is still being added to the Langley Primary School website regularly by teachers.
In the meantime keep well and safe.
Best wishes,
Yours sincerely
A James