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VE Day competition - things that make you happy

Dear Children,

I hope you are all well. On Friday the country is celebrating the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. You may not believe this but my parents were children when VE Day happened and World War 2 ended in 1945. I know my parents and I can’t possibly be that old!


VE Day was a day of great joy and happiness. There were street parties and lots of singing and dancing because the war in Europe was ending. For my mum it was very special because her dad had been away at war for several years. She was just about to be born when he went away to be a soldier. When he came back she would meet him for the first time!


If you would like to find out more here are 2 links for you;     The Imperial War Museum are having a special event online on Wednesday 6th May at 2pm activities you can do to find out about VE Day.


In these difficult times it is good to think about what makes you happy. To help with this I want to ask you draw a picture of what makes you happy and then either take a photo of it or scan it to me.

My email address is  It could be a person, a place, a happy memory or a favourite toy that helps you to be happy. If I get lots I’ll put them into a photostory for you all on the Class Pages section of the website.


Have fun and keep safe.

Dr James
