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  • Parent Governor Vacancy

    Fri 23 Sep 2022

    23rd September 2022


    Dear Parents and Carers


    New Parent Governor Required


    Would you consider  volunteering your time to become a Parent Governor at Langley. We have one space on the Governing Body that needs to be filled.


    What is a Parent Governor?

    The Governing Body is made up of a mixture of parents and carers, local authority representatives, local business people, staff and the Head Teacher. Their role is to support the Head Teacher in working out what the school stands for and what we want to achieve. They then monitor the work of the Head Teacher in making sure that this is done. This is done by looking at the progress the children make, what they do in school and how the money the school gets is spent.


    What is the commitment?

    There are at least two meetings each term you will need to come to. They are usually on a Wednesday at 6pm and last for about an hour each. You would also be expected to come into school at least once a term to find out more about an area of school life that interests you and report back to the other Governors in a short written report. This is the minimum amount of time but you are very welcome to get more involved and come in more.


    Why become a Langley Governor?

    I think there are really two reasons for becoming a Governor;

    1. You will have a chance to make a real difference to the education that children at Langley get. Your decisions with the other Governors help to set the approach to education the school takes and the sort of opportunities the children here get. As a Governing Body we talk regularly about how the children are taught, how they are looked after and the opportunities they get for things such as visits, musical lessons, sports events etc.
    2. You will get to understand how a school really runs and have the opportunity, if you wish, to learn how to run a large organisation. These skills can make a real difference to your CV and the skills you can offer in your career.


    Do I need a DBS?

    You will need to be able to get a DBS as you will be a trusted member of the school staff. We take you through this process and it is free. You would also need to realise that what is discussed in meetings is for the benefit of all the children of the school and is kept private. Records are kept of meetings and these are available for other people to read to see what was discussed and decided. You would not be personally named in these notes when decisions are made.


    Do I need any qualifications?

    Training is provided for the role and you do not need to have any qualifications. Your wish to work to improve the lives of the pupils and their families is more important. The rest we can help you with and take you through it step by step.


    So are you interested?

    If you would like to be part of helping Langley Primary keep improving and giving the children and their families, the chance to learn and grow safely then this is a role you will enjoy. If you are interested and would like to find out more please feel free to give me a ring on the school number, email me or make a time to come in and talk to me about the role.


    If you feel ready to put yourself forward to be a Governor, please contact the school office who can provide you with further information and a nomination form. If you don’t feel ready but know someone who might be please have a word with them and see if they will apply.


    The final date for you to put yourself forward is Wednesday 5th October 10am. If more than one parent or carer does this, then there will need to be an election by the parents and carers of the school.


    I look forward to hearing from you and working with you to make Langley Primary an even better school.


    Yours sincerely,

    A James

    Dr A James


  • Breakfast Club and After School Provision Price increase

    Thu 22 Sep 2022

    Prices & Waiting Lists


    The aim of the Breakfast Club and After School Provision is to provide a low cost but high quality provision to enable families to work. The provision is priced at a cost considerably below commercial providers and at a level where the school only makes a profit so that it can buy new resources. The cost is almost entirely made up of staffing costs and, in the case of Breakfast Club, food costs.


    To help families with more than one child in one of the Clubs we will offer a 10% discount for the second or extra child.


    New Prices from 3 October 2022:


    Breakfast Club                                                            Breakfast Club 2nd Child or more

    7.45am – 8.30am     £5.00                                             7.45am – 8.30am     £4.50

    8.00am – 8.30am     £4.50                                             8.00am – 8.30am     £4.05


    After School Provision                                                Afterschool Provision 2nd Child or more

    3.15-4.30pm             £5.00                                            3.15-4.30pm             £4.50       

    3.15-5.00pm             £6.00                                            3.15-5.00pm             £5.40

    3.15-5.30pm             £7.00                                            3.15-5.30pm             £6.30



    Collection From After School Provision


    Please may we remind parents that ALL children should be collected from After School Provision no later than 5.30pm.  Failure to collect your child by 5.30pm will result in you receiving a fine per child of an additional £5.00 per 15 minutes.  Persistent lateness may result in your child’s place being withdrawn from the After School Provision List.  Thank You.


    Non usage of an After School Provision Place


    Please can we remind parents if your child currently has an after school provision place and has not used the provision within a 3 week period your child will be removed and their place offered to another child on our ASP waiting list.


    Applying for a Breakfast Club and Afterschool Provision Place


    Breakfast Club runs from 7.45am until the start of the school day.  There is no need to book a place for your child.  Entrance is via the double doors to school at the ramp near to top hall.  Please ring the door bell and a member of the Breakfast Club Team will collect your child from the door.  Please do not leave your child unattended. 


    There is currently a waiting list for our After School Provision Club, please call the school office on 0121 552 1744 who will take your child’s details together with the days you wish to use the service.  A member of the office team will contact you once a space becomes available.

  • Bank Holiday - Monday 19th September 2022

    Mon 12 Sep 2022

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Bank Holiday Monday 19th September 2022.

    Welcome to a new week. I am writing to let you know that the school will be closed for a Bank Holiday on Monday 19th September. This is for the funeral of her Majesty the Queen. You child must come to school during this week and next week, apart from the Monday, as normal. Any absence other than for illness must be applied for by using the Leave of Absence form.

    Best wishes

    Dr James
