Hola chicos y chicas. ¿Qué tal?
Yo estoy muy bien en casa pero me gustaria ir al colegio pronto. Os echo de menos.
Hi guys!
Here you will find some activities to recap your Spanish and go even further.
Would you like to send me your homework by email or ask some questions? Do not hesitate to contact me through your class email, please. I will reward those children who are sending me homework with lots of Vivos. ¡Bien!
Also, you will find plenty of competitions to play against other year groups or even with your family members.
Disfrutad- Enjoy!
Would you like to challenge your peers or your Spanish pen-pals? How much do you know about other countries, languages or cultures ? How much international are you?
Play this quiz and complete these templates ready to sent to your Spanish pen-pals by e-mail. They are looking forward to hearing from you. :)
The Challenge of the week- Be a Master Chef.
El pastel de Manzana- The Apple Pie
This week you will put into practice your culinary skills , always supervised by an adult, of course. Follow the video-story and play an interactive game to be able to make your own easy Spanish apple pie.
Which is the best apple pie -pastel de manzana in your class? Feel free to send me a picture of your work completed to impress your teacher and friends at the school. I'm sure it will be rico, rico (delicious, delicious) .
You may visit other fantastic Spanish recipes on our Spanish Main page-recipes.
Buena suerte- Good luck.!
Listening Challenge!
Are you ready to listen to someone telling you a story in Spanish ? Can you find out what they are talking about? You are already familiar with most of the words. Now, listen carefully to this doggy and look at the pictures from the presentation . I want you to translate into English every sentence in a piece of paper and send it to me = 10 ViVos.
Estás preparado? -Are you ready ?