Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
Report on the Use of Sports Premium Funding at Langley Primary July 2020/21.
Rationale for Use
- Oldbury has an increasing issue with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.
- There are few open places to play in the local area which are both child friendly and safe.
- Few children take part in organised sport outside of school – although we do have some children who are competing at a high level (tennis, gymnastics, dance and swimming).
- The school already employs a full time sports coach to teach PE and run several afterschool clubs.
- The school provides activity based equipment for pupils at all breaks.
- To increase the opportunities for pupils to take part in organised and team sporting activities.
- To maintain our Gold Sports Award by increasing participation and organising a range of competitive sports tournaments across Oldbury.
- To encourage daily activity and introduce new sports to pupils.
- To improve facilities at the school to encourage uptake and involvement.
Use of the Funding
- Replacement of sports marking across the school.
- Employment of a sports coach within our Breakfast Club.
- Employment of a sports coach to provide additional tuition for our more gifted pupils and children who require one to one support for learning or mobility reasons.
- Funding of transport for pupils to take part in organised and competitive events.
- Funding of transport to enable pupils to take part in swimming lessons for 2 terms over KS2.
- Provision of sports equipment for playgrounds in the school to encourage purposeful activity over breaktimes.
- Development of the forest area of the school for use as a forest school and as part of the orienteering provision in school.
What impact has sport premium funding made and future improvement:
Please see the attached document that discusses impact and our plans for further improvement.