Today, we were locating towns of Spain on the map. Children created a poster with some of the major towns of Spain and identified their location.
Find out where you would like to go on holidays next summer!
Children in Y5 were learning to name school subjects and also they added opinions. Now, kids can say which is their favourite subject .
e.g Me encanta el espanol y me gustan mucho las matematicas.
Now we can say what time it is in Spanish. Kai created a flower to help us to say the time confidently.
Story telling - Little Red Riding Hood- Caperucita roja
Today, we joined a story telling in Spanish. We chose Little Red Riding Hood - Caperucita Roja and we used our English skills to perform a short text in front of the class.
Try to practise watching or reading bilingual tales to be more fluent in Spanish.
CABEZA HOMBROS RODILLA Y PIE (Con Letra) canciones infantiles
itunes: del DVD: La Tortuga Manuelita, disponible en: y tambien en: - ademas en el: HAPPY DVD, disponible en: - y tambien en:
Today children have extended their knowledge of numbers in Spanish. We learnt numbers 1-100!
At the start, it seemed to be really difficult but we realised that if we added units to tens it was amazingly easy! Try at home!
Los números del 1 al 100 en español para niños - Videos Aprende
Suscríbete: Con este bonito video puedes ayudar a los más pequeños para aprender a contar hasta 100 sabemos que es difícil contar todos estos números pero obtendrán un gran conocimiento, cada número esta de forma numérica y su escritura. Comparte este video para todos los niños aprendan a contar de manera muy fácil.
What is your favorite sport? - ¿Qué deporte te gusta? - Calico Spanish Songs for Kids Copyright 2012. Kids Immersion, LLC Learn the names of popular sports and how to ask someone their favorite in this fun video! New vocabulary includes the words for soccer, basketball, running, swimming, ice-skating, and tennis. Clear vocals, on-screen text, and colorful illustrations ensure that students quickly acquire the vocabulary and phrases!
Un día de escuela. Learn the Spanish daily routines through videos and songs
Video and song to learn the Spanish daily routines at school for kids Visit to watch more Spanish videos and listen to Spanish songs for kids and children. We also have Spanish lnteractive games, worksheets and more resources to learn Spanish in a fun and easy way!