Prices & Waiting Lists
The aim of the Breakfast Club and After School Provision is to provide a low cost but high quality provision to enable families to work. The provision is priced at a cost considerably below commercial providers and at a level where the school only makes a profit so that it can buy new resources. The cost is almost entirely made up of staffing costs and, in the case of Breakfast Club, food costs.
To help families with more than one child in one of the Clubs we will offer a 10% discount for the second or extra child.
New Prices from 3 October 2022:
Breakfast Club Breakfast Club 2nd Child or more
7.45am – 8.30am £5.00 7.45am – 8.30am £4.50
8.00am – 8.30am £4.50 8.00am – 8.30am £4.05
After School Provision Afterschool Provision 2nd Child or more
3.15-4.30pm £5.00 3.15-4.30pm £4.50
3.15-5.00pm £6.00 3.15-5.00pm £5.40
3.15-5.30pm £7.00 3.15-5.30pm £6.30
Collection From After School Provision
Please may we remind parents that ALL children should be collected from After School Provision no later than 5.30pm. Failure to collect your child by 5.30pm will result in you receiving a fine per child of an additional £5.00 per 15 minutes. Persistent lateness may result in your child’s place being withdrawn from the After School Provision List. Thank You.
Non usage of an After School Provision Place
Please can we remind parents if your child currently has an after school provision place and has not used the provision within a 3 week period your child will be removed and their place offered to another child on our ASP waiting list.
Applying for a Breakfast Club and Afterschool Provision Place
Breakfast Club runs from 7.45am until the start of the school day. There is no need to book a place for your child. Entrance is via the double doors to school at the ramp near to top hall. Please ring the door bell and a member of the Breakfast Club Team will collect your child from the door. Please do not leave your child unattended.
There is currently a waiting list for our After School Provision Club, please call the school office on 0121 552 1744 who will take your child’s details together with the days you wish to use the service. A member of the office team will contact you once a space becomes available.