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Monday opening and Free School Meals - update

Dear Parents and Carers

Here is a further update on our arrangements.

School opening on Monday

For Key Worker and vulnerable pupils school will be open as normal on Monday. This includes Breakfast Club and Afterschool Club where it is normally used. Staff will be here to welcome you and make sure the children settle. I will provide details of how we will be arranging the weeks on Monday.


Free School Meals

Where you are entitled to a free school meal this will be provided by the school kitchen. It will be In the form of a take away meal similar to the one provided if your child were to go on a school trip. This can be collected from 11am to 1pm from the school. To begin with please go to the school office unless directed to another place. On Monday I will give you further information.

Once the national food voucher scheme has been announced I will look at that and try to give you that scheme as an option.

Best wishes

Dr James
