Possible strike action on Wednesday 1st February 2023
You will have heard that the National Education Union teachers have voted to start strike action. The first planned strike is on the 1st February.
I will not know until the actual day whether I will have to close any classes. At present I do not expect to close the school on that day and it looks unlikely that I will need to close any classes. I will try to keep the maximum number of classes open if NEU members do strike here at Langley.
I will try to give you as much warning as I can of any disruption as I am aware of the need yourselves to arrange child care on those days. If your child is entitled to free school meals and their class is closed I will make arrangements to provide a lunch for the children on that day.
If you do not hear that your child’s class is closed from me, please come to school as normal. I will do this both by sending out a message and putting any details on the school website.
Yours sincerely,
A James
Dr A James