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Topic (Science, PSHE, Art, Geography and History)

Science - Complete a food journal for the week (Due in 17.2.22)

Art - Salvator Dali (Due in 7.2.22)

Science -  Diet, Exercise and Drugs


This term, we are looking at the human body and how our lifestyles effects the way our body functions. Before the lesson (pre-learning), we would like you to make a diary of up to 4 days of  the exercise you do. This includes the activities (walking, jogging, running) and how long you participate in this activity. 

Once you have done this, make a brief comment on how the exercise has made you feel. 
This task must be completed as we will need to use this next week (wb 17.01.21) during our science lessons. 

Good luck, we look forward to seeing your diaries.
